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unsorted pile

  • quick start guide
    • battery information [1]
    • enabling the mic - see Audio_system
    • .. actually, if all parts of the Pandora are labelled in a nice diagram, then each item can be given in a list, linking to a page on that topic. Each of those pages would begin with a quick overview and common stuff / troubleshooting before getting technical. This way a user can browse lightly through each topic.
  • Provide instructions to fix the sidebar.
  • Figure out where the wiki todo list is.
    • If not found, make one. Implement template backlinking.
  • Ask to fix the footer.
    • When editing a page, it's pushed to the left. I'd bet someone tinkered with the CSS or templating.
  • Build a list of "troubled pages"
    • Pandora seems out of place.
      • Basic specs should be summarized on the first page.
  • Figure out the lists of wanted pages, etc.
  • Update MediaWiki (Special:Version says we're 1.32.0-alpha). 1.19.0 was released 2012-05-02.
  • For the spam "prevention", whitelist various official resources.
  • Build a CSS editing todo list
    • Add more space above sections.
  • Outside links should be labelled. I believe there's a configuration option for this.