
From Pandora Wiki
Revision as of 21:57, 20 June 2012 by Spiralofhope (talk | contribs) (The List)
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(This page is maintained by user:spiralofhope.)


cli-love is a PND application bundle with various commandline programs.

Installation, Running

cli-love is not installed, but is run like any other PND. From the commandline, it can be run with:

pnd_run ./FILENAME.pnd

Where FILENAME is the appropriate name for your downloaded PND.

Basic Use

After launching it, its console can be shown with Control-Escape. This is Control-Fn-Q, or RightShoulder-Fn-Q.

The terminal is stjterm.

  • Shift-Control-t opens a new tab.
  • exit or Control-d will close a tab at the commandline.
    • If an application is running, RightClick > Quit will force a tab to close.
  • Shift-Control-PageUp and Shift-Control-PageDown will view the previous/next tab.
  • Shift-PageUp and Shift-PageDown to scroll up/down.
  • man is installed, and help is another command. (TODO - elaborate)

The List

The purpose of this list is simply to list the applications, briefly describe them and give links to the developer website for more details.

A list like this is much easier to use than checking for help/info/man pages - which may not even exist - and hoping they have the developer website listed.. somewhere.

Only when there is no developer website, or their website is missing information will anything extra be created on this wiki.

  • There will be no attempts to categorize this list.
  • No reviews or rankings will be given.
  • No support will be given.
  • This list will be kept particularly simple, so it can be easily maintained.
  • [command] won't always be exact. For example, I mkfs is listed once, and not all variations like mkfs.ext2.
  • The Snap Links Plus extension will let Firefox users easily open multiple links on a page.

  • apps lists the complete application list.
  • newapps lists the most recent 20 apps.


The terminal is stjterm

[1] [2] [7z, 7za, 7zr] - 7zip - File archiver.

[3] [abcdp] - Aurelius Bruzas CD Player - CD player and CD database.

[4] [abook] - Addressbook for mutt.

[?] [abxtext] - unknown

[5] [aecat, aewan, aemakeflic] - ASCII-art Editor Without A Name - FIXME: aecat and aewan don't have man pages. [6] [7]

[?] [aee] - unknown - FIXME: Doesn't run. Also it's huge. Whatever it is, it needs to justify its existence or be removed.

[8] [9] [agetty, fdisk, fsck, mkfs, mount, mkswap, raw, TODO: MORE] - util-linux - agetty = Alternative getty

[?] mount.gmailfs - GMail account as a virtual filesystem.


[10] [TODO: Commands] - GraphicsMagick - Image processing.

[11] [stjterm] - Terminal emulator.



[4dos, 4dos-scan] - dosbox scripts

  • these 2 scrips are prepared especially for dosbox ex : they're making 01.bat's from files *.exe / *.com files found in sub-directories [4dos-scan is an interactive script -- commander-beef[12]
  • FIXME: Unfortunate name. 4DOS is a command line interpreter, one which I'm going to set up in DOSBox! — Spiralofhope-logo-016.png spiralofhope / (talk)

[addurl] - adds urls to urls.txt - TODO: Research


[] - TODO: Research