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See the games in action

See for a showcase of various games.

These lists were last updated on 2011-10-08 to include the latest files from Pandora Apps, the File Archive, the File Repository, and the Community Forums. As you can tell, this serves as a historic page for now.

For other software lists on the wiki, see Software projects

If different versions of a game were released, please make sure the "release date" is the most recent one when editing this article.

Please click on the little squares to sort by different categories (such as Genre, Release date, etc.)

Released games

Name Release date
Author/Port Author Genre MP1 Type2 Download Notes
2H4U 2011-07-23 I4GOTMYBRAIN, mrz (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
Abe's Amazing Adventure 2010-11-25 mcobit (port) Platformer Prt Archive Repo Discussion
Abuse-SDL 2010-06-26 sebt3 (port) Shooter (Platform) Prt Download Repo Discussion
Adamant Armor Affection (AAA) 2011-08-25 Quasist, sebt3 (port) Platformer Prt Repo Discussion: GP32X OP
Adamant Armor Affection Adventure (AAAA) 2011-09-27 Quasist (ori+port), sebt3 (port) Action PrtA Repo Discussion: GP32X OP
Advanced Strategic Command 2014-04-13 ptitSeb (port) Strategy Prt Repo
Aikisado 2011-09-20 Thann Board N+S Ori Download Repo (old version) Discussion (old)
Albion* 2011-06-25 M-HT (port) RPG x Egn Archive Repo Discussion
AlephOne Trilogy (Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity)* 2011-04-20 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Repo Website Discussion
Alex the Alligator 2 & 4 2011-05-28 mcobit (port) Puzzle & Platform Prt Repo Discussion
Alice in Clicheland 2011-10-02 mcobit (port) Platformer Prt Repo Discussion
Alien Blaster 2010-06-27 Alienblaster Team, Pickle (port) Top down Shooter Prt Archive Repo
Amoebax 2010-10-10 Safareig Creatiu, Àlex Almarza, Jordi Fita, sebt3 (port) Puzzle Prt Download Repo DiscussionWebsite
Angband 2010-06-17 Angband team, skeezix (port) RPG (Roguelike) Prt Archive
Angry Drunken Dwarves 2010-03-17 Joe Wreschnig, EvilDragon (port) Puzzle Prt Apps Archive
Angry Birds 2011-08-31 Rovio (porter unknown) Puzzle Prt N/A Discussion Port is unlicensed, therefore illegal. Thus, no download is available.
Arkanoid 2011-05-28 Clément Corde, Tom (port) Arcade x Prt Repo Archive Ported from the Dingux version by Ezial
ASCIIpOrtal 2010-07-04 Joe Larson, CME (port) Puzzle Prt Archive
AtomicTanks 2011-09-20 mcobit (port) Strategy Prt Repo Discussion Like "Scorched Earth".
AudioRace 1.5 2011-03-06 crow_riot (port) Rhythm Download Discussion Has mp3 support.
B.A.L.L.Z. 2011-04-06 mcobit (port) Platformer Prt Repo Discussion: OP GP32X
Ballgame HD (beta) 2010-10-25 RomanH, Pixitu Puzzle PrtA Archive Discussion
Barrage 2011-06-02 Clop (port) Arcade x Repo
Battle for Wesnoth v1.8.6-1 2011-05-12 Ivanovic (port) Strategy N+S PrtA Repo Download Discussion; stable series
Battle for Wesnoth v1.9.12-1 2011-12-06 Ivanovic (port) Strategy N+S PrtA Repo Discussion; development series
BattleJewels 2010-03-29 Skeezix, codejedi Puzzle x Apps Archive Repo
Beat2X 2011-04-19 PokeParadox (port) Rhythm Prt Repo
Bejeweled (beta) 2010-10-24 sebt3 (port) Puzzle Prt Download Discussion
Berusky (beta) 2011-09-01 ashtom (port) Puzzle Prt Download Discussion Sokoban-like
Biniax 2 2010-07-18 zx-81 (port) Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion
Blake Stone** (beta) 2011-08-08 StreaK (port) FPS Egn Download Discussion: GP32X OP
Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid 2011-06-13
jgeiss (2nd port)
Sigma.NL (1st port)
Platformer Prt 2nd port 1st port Discussion (1st port)
Blocks of the Undead 2011-01-08 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion
Bloqus 2011-06-19 StreaK (port), Blue Protoman (package) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
BomberClone 2010-07-13 BomberClone Team Arcade Net Archive Bomberman clone
Bombz 2011-06-07 Clop (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Website
Bos Wars 2010-07-20 bompo (port) Strategy - real time Download Discussion
Boxbot4K 2010-07-10 rcarvall Puzzle Download Website Like Sokoban
Briquolo 2011-02-08 cbr, paeryn (port), sebt3 (port), Pickle (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion Website
Bubble Chains (beta) 2010-10-31 sebt3 (port) Arcade Prt Download Discussion
Bubble Pop 2011-06-21 Geca (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
BubbMan 2 (beta) 2011-01-10 pymike, Tempel (port) Platformer Prt Download Archive Discussion Default set at 700Mhz, but may work well at lower speeds
The Bub's Brothers 2011-03-20 Armin Rigo, Nick Daly (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion
C-Dogs 2010-03-17 Lumaki, Pickle (port) Top down Shooter Prt Apps Archive
Cataclysm 2011-09-08 Eridger (port) RPG Prt Download Discussion. NOT A PND. Roguelike, terminal.
Ceferino 2010-06-23 Don Ceferino Hazaña Arcade Archive Pang remake
Chroma 2011-05-25 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
Chuckie Egg 2010-08-29 Paul Brook Platformer Archive Clone of the 8-bit game
Circus Linux 2010-07-20 daniel3000 (port) Arcade SS Prt Download Repo Discussion Circus Atari clone
Classic Invaders 2011-01-20 Todd Steinackle, Gareth Francis (port) Arcade Prt Archive Space Invaders clone
Clonk2x (Clonk Planet) 2010-07-12 Pickle (port) Strategy N+C? Prt Archive Apps Website Discussion
ColorCode 2011-04-29 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
Color Lines (beta) 2010-10-24 sebt3 (port) Puzzle Prt Download
Commander Keen*
aka. CGenius
2011-01-03 CGenius team, Pickle (port) Platformer x Egn Archive Repo Discussion Engine for CK
CorsixTH* 2011-06-26 CorsixTH team, Wally (port) Simulation / Godgame Egn Repo Discussion: OP GP32X. An engine for Theme Hospital.
Crimson Fields (pandora 0.2.1, general 0.5.3) 2010-09-14 MarkoeZ (port) Strategy N+S Prt Archive Repo Discussion
CromoZome 2010-08-13 PokeParadox Arcade PrtA Apps Archive Website
Cuyo 2011-04-07 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion: GP32X OP
D1X-Rebirth (Descent)* 2010-08-08 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Archive Website Get the original shareware files here.
D2X-Rebirth (Descent 2)* 2010-08-08 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Archive Website Get the original shareware files here.
Daimonin 0.10.1 (B5) 2010-08-15 joseluisjazz (port) MMORPG Net Apps Discussion
Dark Light Battles 2011-07-08 Blue Protoman (port) Strategy ? Prt Repo Website
Deathtrap Remix 2010-06-21 Mindlord Arcade Apps Archive
Defendguin 0.0.12 2010-10-20 Yamara (port) Arcade Archive Repo Discussion Defender clone
Defendguin (beta) 2010-09-07 darfgarf (port) Arcade Download Discussion Defender clone
Der Clou!** 2011-03-11 Jan Wiescher (port) Adventure Egn Archive In German. Download data files here.
Dink Smallwood (outdated) 2010-07-31 WizardStan (port) RPG x Prt Apps Discussion. No music.
Dink Smallwood 2011-02-11 Cobalt (port) RPG x Prt Download Repo Discussion. This has proper controls and music.
Dodgin Diamond 2 2011-05-25 mcobit (port) Shooter Prt Repo Discussion
Donkey Bolonkey 2011-01-17 mcobit (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion clone of Rat Poker
Doom Legacy* 2011-03-05 Pickle (port) FPS Net Egn Download Discussion
Doom (CDoom - chocolate/strawberry)* 2011-03-16 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Download Repo Discussion Runs doom, heretic, hexen, strife wads.
Doom (DoomRunner Frontend for PrBoom)* 2011-06-25 sirthunder516 FPS Egn Repo Discussion. Frontend for PrBoom.
Doom (PrBoom)* 2011-03-05 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Download Discussion (old) Enhanced Doom engine Website Fully compatible with Freedoom, a free clone that comes as a .WAD file. Uses PickleLauncher
Doom (ReMood Gold - Vol. 1)* 2011-08-19 StreaK (port) FPS N+C Egn Download Discussion: GP32X OP. Warning: Saves settings in NAND
Doom (ReMood Gold - Vol. 2)* 2011-08-22 StreaK (port) FPS N+C Egn Download Discussion: GP32X OP. Warning: Saves settings in NAND. requires tnt.wad in /remood-gold-2-app/
Doom (ZDoom)* 2011-03-05 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Download Discussion Very slow.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 2011-03-26 Alex777 (port) RPG Prt Archive Discussion Does not come as a PND.
Dungeon Master aka. Chaos Strikes Back** 2011-03-30 Fireball (port) FPS Egn Download Discussion. Data files included in download.
Eat the Whistle 2010-05-25 Pickle (port) Sports Prt Apps
eboard with GNUChess 2010-06-29 Chess N+S Archive Internet play allowed
eDuke32SDL (Duke Nukem 3D)* 2010-07-01 eduke32 team FPS Apps Get the original shareware files here
Einstein würfelt nicht 2011-03-09 Ziz Board N+S Archive
Elemental 0.2 2010-07-17 Chaosmage Sandbox Apps Discussion
Eliot 2011-03-26 kilowatt (port) Puzzle Prt Download Discussion Open source Scrabble
Enigma 1.01 2010-08-08 Whynodd Puzzle Archive Website
Epiphany 2011-10-05 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
FairSeaBattle 2011-07-21 StreaK (port) Board SS? Prt Battleship-type
FallingUp 2011-05-16 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion: OP GP32X
The Fantastic Tale of the Stolen Moon 2011-07-02 Geca (port) Platformer Prt Archive Discussion
FHeroes Port (Heroes Of Might And Magic 2)* 2010-03-17 Pickle (port) Strategy Egn Apps Archive Discussion
FishFillets 2010-08-09 zx-81 (port) Puzzle Archive
Flare 0.13+svn.370.2 2011-05-08 sebt3 (port) RPG Prt Repo Discussion
FleshChasmer: The Eve 2011-09-04 Quasist, sebt3 (port) RPG Prt Repo Discussion: GP32X OP
FloboPuyo 2011-04-08 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion: OP GP32X
Formido 2011-01-22 sebt3 (port) Arcade Prt Download Discussion
Frag4K 2011-02-12 Alan Waddington, chrysipp (port) Action Prt Download Discussion (German) Requires Java.pnd. 3D Labyrinth levels.
FreeCell 2011-09-24 pmprog (port) Card Prt Download Discussion
FreeCiv 2.1.9 2010-05-31 Cpasjuste (port) Strategy Net Prt Archive Wiki
FreeCol 0.9.5 2011-03-22 mash (port) Strategy Prt Download Discussion. Website. Colonization clone. Needs Java.pnd
Freedroid 1.0.2 2011-04-05 farox (port) Arcade Prt Repo Discussion
Frogatto and Friends 2011-06-20 Ivanovic (packaging) / Pickle (port) Platformer x Prt Repo Discussion
Frotz v2.43 (Z-Machine games)* 2010-05-27 SteveM (port) Text Adventure x Egn Download Archive Discussion Interpreter for Infocom and other Z-machine games free IF: [1] [2] [3]
Frozen Bubble 2.2.0 2011-10-26 Mr Rob Arcade All Prt Repo Discussion
Fy.WoD! 2.1 2010-11-25 Scntrblob Racing x Archive
Game & Watch Simulators 2010-07-27 Hitnrun Arcade x Egn Archive Repo Not an emulator.
Game Editor (beta) 2011-02-06 WizardStan (port) Engine Egn Download Discussion. No sound, slow. Get game files here
Garden of Coloured Lights 2011-05-23 mcobit (port) Top-down shooter x Prt Repo Discussion
Gargoyle 08-2009 (text adventure games)** 2010-08-23 gargoyle, skeezix Text Adventure x Egn Apps Repo Supports Adrift, Alan, APT, Glulx, Hugo, Level 9, Magnetic Scroll, TADS and Z-Code format games free IF: [4] [5] [6]
GAV (GPL Arcade Volleyball) 2010-06-30 Sports Archive
GBoggle 1.1.4 2011-03-30 kilowatt (port) Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion
GemRB (Infinity Engine)* 2011-08-17 JurnD (port) RPG Egn Repo Discussion: GP32X (old) OP Open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine, supports games including Baldurs Gate 2 and Planescape Torment
Giana's Return v1.0 2011-01-01 Gianas Team
Pickle (port)
Platformer x PrtA Download Archive Repo Website Discussion
GigaSun Jet 2011-07-11 Jonathan Dearborn, Cassie Dearborn, Stefanos Kourtis Top-down shooter Ori Download RIOT entry
Gish (beta)** 2011-01-12 Pickle (port) Platformer Prt Download Discussion A bit slow
Globulation 2 (Glob 2) 2011-01-24 sebt3 (port) Strategy Prt Download Discussion
GLtron 2011-11-07 lunixbochs (port) Arcade x Prt Repo Discussion
Gnome 3D Tetris 2011-04-07 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion: GP32X OP
Gnome Games 2010-10-11 sebt3 (packaging) Compilation Prt Archive Discussion
GNU Robbo 2011-01-22 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion
GNUGo (ccGO + CGoban) 2011-01-20 mcobit (port) Board Prt Archive Discussion Port of GNU Go with the frontends ccGO and CGoban
GNUJump 2011-05-13 mcobit (port) Arcade SS Prt Repo Discussion: GP32X OP For music, MIDI Installer needed.
Goonies 2011-04-19 mcobit (port) Action Prt Repo Discussion
Gravitation 2011-09-12 Jason Rohrer, foxblock (port) Adventure x Prt Repo Discussion
Gravity Force Remake 2011-02-05 David Douglas Action Archive Discussion
Greyout 2011-04-29 foxblock Platformer x Ori Repo Release post
Gwelled (beta) 2011-01-26 sebt3 (port) Puzzle Prt Download Discussion
Hamster's Escape 2011-07-11 Geca Arcade Prt Archive
Hardcore Fight 2011-04-21 EGS, Geca (port) Fighting Prt Archive
Heart of the Alien Redux 2011-04-23 M-HT (port) Action-adventure x Egn Archive
Hellcarrier 2011-05-28 mcobit (port) Shooter Prt Repo Discussion
Heretic* 2010-05-23 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Apps Archive
Hex-A-Hop 2011-08-09 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion: GP32X OP
Hexalate 2011-05-01 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
Hexen* 2010-05-23 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Apps Archive
Hexen 2: Hammer of Thyrion* 2010-06-05 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Apps Archive
HexGlass 2011-07-22 StreaK (port) Puzzle Prt
Homeworld* 2011-06-22 EdCa22 (port) Strategy Egn Repo Discussion: OP GP32X
Humphrey 2011-05-28 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
Infector 2011-01-06 mcobit (port) Puzzle Net Prt Archive Discussion
Ink Spill 2011-03-08 kilowatt (port) Puzzle x Prt Download Discussion flood it clone
Insanerz Shooter 2010-09-18 Farox (port) Shooter Prt Repo Archive Discussion: GP32X OP
Jag (beta) 2010-10-31 sebt3 (port) Arcade Prt Download Discussion
Jagged Alliance 2 release 1 2011-04-25 quartercast (port) Strategy/RPG Egn Repo Discussion: GP32X OP (old GP32X) (old OP) English-language version.
Jump n Blob 2011-01-10 2d Retroperspectives Platformer Archive
Kana 2011-02-12 Alan Waddington, chrysipp (port) Arcade Prt Download Discussion (German) Requires Java.pnd. Space Invaders clone.
Kde games (beta) 2010-07-28 sebt3 (port) Various SS? Prt Download Discussion
Ken's Labyrinth 2010-08-03 Pickle (port) FPS Egn? Apps Archive
KETM (Kill Everything That Moves) 2010-11-10 sebt3 (port) Top Down Shooter x Prt Download Discussion
King of Fighters (KOF): Flames of Courage 2011-01-29 mth411 (port) Fighting Prt Archive Discussion
Kobo Deluxe 2011-01-06 David Olofson, mcobit (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion: GP32X OP Music doesn't work yet
Komi the Space Frog 2011-08-23 Allan Crossman, Farox (port) Arcade Prt Repo Archive Discussion: GP32X OP
Kronos (Interpreter)** 2010-05-21 Skeezix (port) Text Adventure x Egn Apps Archive
Lbreakout2 2010-06-23 Michael Speck Arcade Net Archive Website
The Legend of Edgar 2011-06-07 eyecreate (port) Platformer x Prt Repo Discussion Website
LemmingsSDL v0.9.11 2011-09-21 Miner49er Puzzle Net? Ori Download Repo Website. Discussion: v0.9.9 v0.9.7 v0.9.5 old
LettersFall 2011-01-31 16Bitsoft, Pickle (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion spell words as fast you can
L'hôpital Pital 2010-11-23 mcobit (port) Strategy - tower defense Prt Archive Discussion
Liquid War 5 2011-05-25 mcobit (port) Strategy Net? Prt Repo Discussion
Lincity-NG 2011-05-12 mcobit (port) Strategy Prt Repo Discussion: OP GP32X
Little Big Adventure 1 (Prequ Engine) (beta) 2011-01-31 Dimacus (port) Action-adventure Egn Archive Discussion. Works better than Twin-E version. Needs Timidity MIDI Installer
Little Big Adventure 1 (TwinEngine/Twin-E) 2011-01-27 Dimacus (port) Action-adventure Egn Archive Discussion. Needs Timidity MIDI Installer
LMarbles 2011-04-17
MarkoeZ (port), daniel3000 (2nd port), mcobit (3rd port) Puzzle x Prt mcobit MarkoeZ daniel3000 Website, Discussion: daniel3000's port mcobit's port (this game was ported thrice)
The Lonely Tower v2.2 2010-11-19
Tempel ? x PrtA Download Discussion. The first Pandora game.
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring* 2011-01-31 Michal Benes, EvilDragon (port) RPG Egn Archive Engine for the game by Interplay. Put the DOS game files in /pandora/appdata/lotr/
LGeneral 2011-06-02 Clop (port) Strategy Prt Repo Inspired by Panzer General.
LPairs 2011-06-02
Clop (2nd port)
daniel3000 (1st port)
Puzzle Prt 2nd port 1st port Discussion (1st port) Memory game
LTris 2010-07-18 daniel3000 (port) Arcade Prt Download Repo Discussion Tetris clone
Lugaru (beta) 2011-04-21 pickle (port) Action Egn Repo Discussion
Maelstrom 2011-09-17 hondo (port) Arcade Prt Repo Asteroids clone
The Mana World 2010-09-06 Cpasjuste (port) MMORPG Net Prt Download Discussion
MAXR (M.A.X Reloaded) 2010-08-31 Stuckie (port) Turn Based Strategy Net Prt Download Discussion Multiplayer doesn't work yet
Maze of Galious 2011-02-11 Dimacus (port) Platformer Prt Download Archive Discussion: 1 2
Megamario (beta) 2011-06-28 mcobit (port) Platformer Prt Repo Discussion
Meritous 2010-12-07
EvilDragon (2nd port)
TJ Hooka (port)
Dungeon Crawler Prt ED's port Hooka's port Discussion ED's port doesn't crash (hopefully)
Minetest 2011-09-23 eyecreate (port) Sandbox Prt Repo Discussion
Mirror Magic 2010-08-14 Holger Schemel Puzzle Prt Archive Website
Mission faileD 1.2 2011-09-02 Geca (port) Shooter x Prt Archive Discussion
Mole Invasion 2011-04-10 sebt3 (port) Arcade Prt Repo Discussion
Monkey Bubble v0.4.0 2010-12-03 Laurent Belmonte
mcobit (port)
Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion Like "Bubble Bobble"
Monsterz 2012-01-13 Clop (port) Puzzle Prt Repo
Mortimer the Lepidopterist 2011-09-26 Christopher Night, Farox (port) Action Prt Repo Discussion
MrDrillux 2011-06-11 Tom (port) Arcade x Prt Archive Repo Mr. Driller clone
Mutant Tank Knights 2011-09-05 Quasist, sebt3 (port) Action Prt Repo Discussion: GP32X OP
N-Speed 2011-01-28 Sami Kyöstilä, Tommi Inkil, Joonas Kerttula, mcobit (port) Racing Prt Archive Discussion
Nanobounce 2011-06-19 Blue Protoman (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
Narcissu 2010-05-11 Insani, EvilDragon (port) Visual Novel x Prt Archive Repo
No Gravity 2011-04-19 mcobit (port) Arcade Prt Repo Discussion
Noiz2sa 2011-05-22 mcobit (port) Shmup Prt Repo Discussion
Nuclear Attack 2011-05-23 Cobalt (port) Shooter Repo
Numpty Physics 2010-06-15 Tim Edmonds, Thomas Perl, Manolis (port) Drawing Prt Archive
NxEngine (Cave Story) 2011-06-24 sebt3 (port) Platform Egn Repo Discussion
ONScripter-en 2010-07-24 Cloudef (port) Visual Novel x Egn Repo
openBOR 2010-06-26 Senile Team, Pickle (port) Beat 'em up Egn Archive Get the original data files here (you must register). Mods are available as well.
OpenGlad 2010-05-09 Snowstorm Entertainment, Pickle (port) Strategy Prt Apps Archive
OpenRedAlert (Command and Conquer: Red Alert)** (beta) 2011-01-26 mcobit (port) RTS Egn Repo Discussion. Alpha state; the game is very buggy. Get the data files here.
OpenJazz* (Jazz Jackrabbit) svn136 2011-03-05 Alister, Pickle (port) Platformer x Egn Archive Apps Discussion
OpenLieroX 2010-07-09 Pickle (port) Shooter (Worms-like) Net Prt Archive Apps Website Discussion Discussion (2)
openPirates 2010-07-03 Pickle (Scott Smith) Strategy PrtA Archive Discussion
OpenTTD (Transport Tycoon) 2010-06-25 OpenTTD team, MistaGiggles (port) Simulation Archive Discussion
OpenTTD 1.0.5 (Transport Tycoon) 2011-01-24 OpenTTD team, (port) Simulation Archive
OpenTyrian v1.1 2010-07-14 zx-81 (port) Top down Shooter Prt Download (zip) Archive Announcement
Operation Fenix 2011-06-12 Colombian Developers, Geca (port) Arcade Prt Archive
Overgod 2011-05-22 Cobalt (port) Shooter x Prt Repo
PacDudeHero 2 2011-01-31 16Bitsoft, Pickle (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion Pacman clone
Paintown 2011-01-24 Jon Rafkind, sebt3 (port) Fighting Prt Download Discussion
Pairs 2011-07-07 StreaK (port) Puzzle Prt Memory game
Pandora Panic 2010-06-11 PokeParadox / GP32X Community Arcade x Ori Apps Archive
Pandora Pool Panic 2010-07-27 Unfathomable Depths Sports Ori Download (zip) Discussion
Pandora X-pilot NG 4.7.3 2010-08-18 zx-81 (port) Arcade Net Prt Apps Archive Website
Pandora-Acm 2010-08-10 zx-81 (port) Simulator Net? Prt Archive Flight simulator
Pandora-Blockrage 2010-07-18 zx-81 (port) Puzzle x Prt Download Archive Website Discussion
Pandora-Lopan 2010-07-13 zx-81 (port) Puzzle x Prt Download Announcement
PandoraNetPuzzle (WiiNetPuzzle) 2011-02-14 chris_c Puzzle PrtA Archive Discussion
Pandora-OpenSonic 2010-08-13 zx-81 (port) Platformer Apps Archive DiscussionWebsite
Pandora-Ri-Li v2.0.1 2010-08-17 zx-81 (port) Arcade Apps Archive Discussion
Pandora-Simutrans 2010-08-29 zx-81 Simulation Archive Transportation simulation
Pandora-Tombstone 2010-07-17 zx-81 (port) Arcade x Prt Download Discussion
Pandora Elite (beta) 2011-07-28 hideki Adventure Ori Download Discussion
Pandora Yoga 2011-03-21 mhaws Puzzle x Ori Archive Discussion.
PandyWordSeek (beta) 2010-07-14 authoreyes Puzzle x Ori Download Discussion
Panjoust (demo) 2010-10-05 MarkoeZ Platformer x Ori Download Repo Discussion: Main [7] [8]
Panmines 2011-08-27 sebt3 Puzzle x Ori Repo Discussion
Panta VS Dragon: El tesoro del Dragón 2011-07-11 The Farm Team Arcade Ori Archive Download RIOT entry
PaperWars 2011-07-11 peter traylor, stephan p Strategy Ori Download RIOT entry
Pasang Emas 2011-01-15 mcobit (port) Puzzle SS? Prt Archive Discussion Board game
Passage 2011-09-11 Jason Rohrer, foxblock (port) Adventure x Prt Repo Discussion
Peg-solitaire 2011-04-04 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion: OP GP32X
Penguin Command 2011-04-21 EvilDragon (port)
Karl Bartel
Arcade Prt Repo Missile Command clone
PenguPop 2.2.4 2010-07-24 Junoplay, sebt3 (port) Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion
Pfoiy (beta) 2011-08-01 Fworg64 Arcade Ori Download Discussion
Phantomas Pandora 2011-06-29 mcobit (port) Platformer Prt Repo Discussion
Pingus 2011-03-05
joseluisjazz (1st port)
mash (2nd port)
Mr Rob (3rd port, Pingus 0.7.5)
Arcade Prt 1st port
2nd port
3rd port
Lemmings-like game Discussion
Mr Rob release, Pingus 0.7.5
Pioneers 2011-07-18 eyecreate Board N+S Prt Repo Settlers of Catan-style
PipePanic 2011-01-27 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion.
PirateBaby (beta) 2011-07-26 PokeParadox Kids Ori Repo RIOT entry
Pocket Volleyball 2011-01-21 mcobit (port) Sport SS Prt Archive Discussion
PokerTH 0.8.3 2011-11-05 Mr Rob (port) Card Game N+S Prt Repo Discussion
Police4K 2010-07-10 rcarvall Shooter Prt Download Website
Powder v116 2011-10-04 joseluisjazz (port), Thann (port) RPG (Roguelike) Prt Repo Discussion
The Powder Toy 2011-05-31 eyecreate (port) Sandbox Prt Repo Discussion. Runs very slowly.
PowerManga v1.0.1 2010-11-20 chris_c (port) Top-down shooter Prt Archive Discussion
Prison Break 2011-05-29 slaeshjag (port) Arcade Prt Repo
Prometheon 2011-07-11 Daniel Eriksson, Marcus Fredriksson Platformer Ori Download RIOT Tag-Team Coding Competition entry
Pushover 2010-10-31 Farox (port) Puzzle x Prt Archive Discussion Resolution too big for screen.
Pushover v0.2 2010-11-06 zx-81 (port) Puzzle x Prt Apps Discussion. No speed throttling.
Puzzletube 2011-07-11 Ziz, Nick May Puzzle Ori Download Repo RIOT entry Discussion
pyawale 2011-06-06 Clop (port) Board Prt Repo Awale, board game from Africa
PyDance (beta) 2010-08-31 darfgarf (port) Dance Download Discussion: [9] [10]
Pyskool (Skool Daze) 2011-06-07 tuki_cat (port) ? Prt Repo Remake of Skool Daze
QCheckers 2011-07-21 StreaK Board SS? Ori
QNetWalk 2010-06-29 sebt3 (port) Puzzle Prt Download
Quake 1* (beta) 2011-02-13 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Download Discussion Get the original shareware files here. Runs on the Zquake engine
Quake 2* 2010-06-05 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Apps Archive
Quake 3* 2010-06-05 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Apps Archive
Racer 2010-10-30 sebt3 (port) Racing SS Prt Download Archive Discussion
Raedr 0.1r2 2011-04-02 MrZ Platformer x Ori Archive Repo Discussion
Rafkill 2011-01-26 Jon Rafkind, sebt3 (port) Top-down Shooter Prt Download Discussion
Ragnarok Online Pocket Server (eAthena Trunk r14678)** (beta) 2011-01-22 Coldbird (port) MMORPG Net Egn Download Discussion
Rainy Day - alpha preview 2011-07-11 Dragons_Slayer, Archibald Platformer Ori Download Discussion RIOT entry
Reign of Brains 2011-01-16 emil10001 Arcade PrtA Download Archive Discussion
Reminiscence v0.1.11 (Flashback)* 2011-01-15 zx-81 (port) Platformer Egn Download Discussion
Rescue 2011-03-30 Sswam Platformer x Ori Download Repo Website Discussion: 1 2
ResidualVM * 2011-06-10 Lemon Dragon (port) Adventure x Egn Repo Discussion
Reword 2010-07-17 PurplePup Puzzle Archive Discussion
Rezerwar 2011-01-23 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion. Configure keys in game options.
RGB 2011-05-16 vadsamoht (port) Platformer Prt Repo
Rise of the Triad* 2010-07-10 Pickle (port) FPS Egn Archive Website Discussion
Road Fighter 2011-03-09 Dimacus (port) Racing Prt Download Archive Discussion: 1 2
Robo Hell 2011-04-04 richiz Platformer x Ori Repo Discussion
robotfindskitten 2011-03-05 Leonard Richardson, iampanis (port) Terminal x Prt Download Discussion Wiki
Rocks 'n' Diamonds 2011-02-09 Holger Schemel, Blue Ion (port) Puzzle Prt Archive Website Like Boulder Dash, Emerald Mine, Supaplex, Sokoban
rRootage 2011-06-10 mcobit (port) Shooter Prt Repo Discussion
Sandora 0.1.2 2011-08-23 WaveHack Falling Sand game PrtA Repo Discussion (old)
Scavenger 2011-11-24 Clop (port) Lode Runner clone Prt Repo Discussion
Scarecrow Tobias (beta) 2011-01-16 MUMBL35, Paramultart Platformer PrtA Download Discussion MUMBL35 wants to use the engine to create another game, but would like an artist & coder to help him finish
Schizophrenia 2011-07-11 foxblock, ZiZ Puzzle Ori Download Discussion RIOT entry
Scott Adams text adventures 2011-03-12 mhaws (port) Text Adventure x Egn Archive Discussion Zenity frontend, based on Frotz.
ScummVM (2D graphical adventure games)* 2010-12-30 DJWillis (port) Adventure x Egn Archive Download Repo Discussion Wiki freeware
SDL-Ball 2011-02-16 paeryn (port) Arcade Prt Download Archive Discussion
SdlZombies 2010-07-14 Philippe Brochard, MarkoeZ (port) Arcade Prt Archive Repo
Seventh Sense 2011-09-16 eyecreate (port) Visual Novel Prt Repo Reader for Lone Wolf gamebooks
Shane's Chess Information Database (SCID) 2010-06-27 Shane Hudson, Pascal Georges Chess Prt Archive
Shootet 2011-07-26 mrz, hrmnzr, BLACKALiCE Shooter Ori Repo RIOT entry
Siroi Danmakukun 2011-05-26 mcobit (port) Shooter Prt Repo Discussion
Skull v4.1 2011-03-13 Geca (port) Platformer Prt Archive Discussion Spin-off of Skull Man.
Skylark demo 2011-07-09 Linus Jönsson, Pontus Malmqvist (Black Curtain Studio) RPG Ori Archive Download Demo for commercial game. RIOT entry
SlingShot 2012-21-01 Clop (port) Simulation Prt Repo Discussion Newtonian artillery in space.
Snowball 2010-07-09 willikappler Platformer Archive Website
Snowman 2011-04-05 Ziz Platformer x Ori Download Repo Discussion
SolarWolf v1.5 2011-01-12 Magic Sam (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion
Sonic Robo Blast 2** 2010-09-21 Pickle (port) Platformer N+C Egn Download Discussion Put data files in appdata/srb2
Sopwith (beta) 2011-01-24 Jon Rafkind, sebt3 (port) shmup Prt Download Discussion
Sound Fall 2010-06-21 Chris Thompson Sound Archive
Spacejunk 2011-05-14 mcobit (port) Arcade Prt Repo Discussion
Sparks v0.4.5 (beta) 2010-12-04 hal9000 Shooter Ori Download Discussion: OP GP32X GP32X (old) May need overclocking to ~800Mhz
Speed 2011-08-31 mcobit (port) Arcade Prt Repo Discussion
Spout 2010-07-08 PokeParadox (port) Shooter Prt Download Archive Repo Website Discussion
Sqrxz 2010-09-10 Pickle (port) Platformer Prt Archive Website Discussion
Sqrxz 2 2011-01-03 Pickle (port) Platformer Prt Archive Website Discussion
Star Pusher 2011-06-14 Al Sweigart, Thann (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Sokoban clone Website
Stegavorto 2011-04-24 Farox (port) Puzzle Prt Archive
Discussion: GP32X OP
STPPC (sgt-puzzles) 2011-04-20 jeffrey Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection. Now combined into one PND. Uses a launcher as well.
Streets of Rage Remake 2011-08-20 milkshake (package) Arcade Egn Repo Discussion Original data files required. Viva la freeware!
Studenglas 2011-05-31 Weltenschmiede Text Adventure x Egn? Archive A German text adventure.
Sudoku (fltk) 2011-01-14 chris_c (package) Puzzle Prt Archive Discussion
Super Geometry Dust 2011-06-25 wermy Arcade x Ori Repo Discussion: OP GP32X
Super Mario War 1.7 April Fools Edition 2010-08-18 Pickle (port) Fighting SSC Prt Archive Website
Super Methane Bros. 2010-08-26 Mark Rombust Arcade Archive Website Runs with Ginge
SuperTux 2011-09-22 Pickle (port), EvilDragon (port), Mr Rob (port) Platformer Prt Repo Discussion: OP GP32X (old)
SuperTux2 2011-09-14 Mr Rob (port) Platformer Prt Download Discussion
Sword of Fargoal 2011-04-22 Googer (port) RPG Prt Archive Discussion
Syobon Action 2011-06-08 dan (port) Platformer x Prt Repo Discussion
TecnoballZ 2011-05-07 sigma (port) Arcade Prt Repo Discussion (old version) Ported from Amiga.
Teeworlds 2010-07-19 bompo (port) Fighting Net? Download Discussion
Tennix 2011-06-27 mcobit (port) Sports Prt Repo Discussion
TetriCrisis 3 100% CPU 2011-01-31 16Bitsoft, Pickle (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion Needs overclocking
Tetris Queen 2011-10-02 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion
Thruster 1.3 2010-07-15 Vilmos, PokeParadox (port) Arcade Prt Apps Archive Discussion
TicTacToe From Hell 2010-12-01 Simone Tobia
mcobit (port)
Puzzle N+S Prt Archive Discussion
Tile World (Chip's Challenge)* 2010-07-12 zx-81 (port) Puzzle Egn Download Apps Discussion
TinyFugue 2011-08-22
StreaK (port) MUD Net Egn Download (Alternative) Discussion: GP32X OP. MUD client. Warning: Writes to NAND.
Tombstone 2010-07-17 zx-81 (port) Arcade Prt Archive
Total Devastation 2 Rebirth v0.7 2011-06-16 Geca (port) Fighting Prt Archive Discussion
Tower Toppler 2011-01-07 mcobit (port) Arcade x Prt Archive Discussion Nebulous/Castelian clone
Triplane Classic 2010-08-02 Markku, Teemu, Henri Arcade Prt Apps Discussion
Tubularix 2010-12-03 Miguel Scudero
mcobit (port)
Clop (port newer)
Puzzle Prt Archive 5.1.4
Repo 5.7.1
Tunnel 2011-06-07 Clop (port) Arcade Prt Repo Website
Tux Football 2011-01-22 mcobit (port) Sport Prt Archive Discussion. Configure keys in game options.
Tux4Kids 2011-04-20 mcobit (port) Educational Prt Repo Discussion Includes TuxMath, TuxTyping, and TuxPaint.
TuxIceMaze 2011-05-21 Clop (port) Puzzle Prt Download Repo Discussion
TuxRace (beta) 2010-10-24 sebt3 (port) Racing Prt Download Discussion
Txishos 2011-06-21 Geca (port) Music Prt Archive
Ultima 4 (xu4)* 2011-05-17 mcobit (port) RPG Egn Repo Discussion
Ultima VII (Pandora-Exult)* 2010-08-12 zx-81 (port) RPG Egn Apps Archive Replacement Ultima 7 engine
Unready 1.1 2011-04-05 QuantenMagier Arcade x Ori Download Discussion Terminal game.
Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control 2)** 2010-06-19 Pickle (port) Adventure Egn Apps Discussion See README for data files
Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control 2) (Pandora-Uqm) 2010-08-21 zx-81 (port) Adventure N+C Egn Apps Archive
Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control 2)** 2011-05-07 sigma (port) Adventure Egn Repo
Vektar 2011-06-27 Craigix, Dzz, Pickle (port) Shooter x Prt Repo Apps Discussion: OP GP32X
Vertris 2011-06-27 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion Tetris clone
vGolf 2011-06-24 mcobit (port) Sport SS Prt Repo Discussion
VoR (Variations on Rockdodger) 2011-01-21 mcobit (port) Arcade Prt Archive Discussion
Vulture's Eye 2011-05-15 First (port) RPG Prt Archive isometric graphical interface for NetHack
Wall Defender 2010-07-06 ElLun3s Arcade Download Website Requires Java.pnd
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans* 2011-07-05 MH-T (port) Strategy Egn Archive Repo Discussion
Wars: Commando 2011-05-05 B-ZaR Arcade x Ori Repo For 2011 platforming game development contest.
Which Way Is Up 2011-10-06 Olli Etuaho, Magic Sam (port) Platformer x Prt Repo Discussion
Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles 2011-02-07 Yuan Works (Ginge wrap by Coldbird) Puzzle Prt Archive The GP2X Wiz version running under Ginge. Select scale ratio with launcher.
Wolf4SDL with Picklauncher* 2010-10-09 Pickle (port) FPS x Egn Archive Discussion Supports both Wolf3d and SOD data
Wolf4SDL (Spear of Destiny)* 2010-05-06 Pickle (port) FPS x Egn Apps Archive
Wolf4SDL (Wolfenstein 3D)* 2010-05-06 Pickle (port) FPS x Egn Apps Archive
Word War vi 2011-06-26 mcobit (port) Arcade Prt Repo Discussion
Worminator 3 2011-05-27 mcobit (port) Platformer Prt Repo Discussion
Wormux & 2011-05-07
sigma (2nd port)
Pickle (1st port)
Strategy N+S Prt 2nd port 1st port Discussion (old verson). Has touchscreen bug.
Worship Vector 2011-09-03 Quasist, sebt3 (port) Strategy Prt Repo Discussion: GP32X OP
X-COM 1: UFO Defense* 2011-07-30 M-HT (port) Strategy Egn Repo Archive Discussion
X-COM 2: Terror from the Deep* 2011-07-31 M-HT (port) Strategy Egn Repo Archive Discussion
X-Pired 2011-04-08 mcobit (port) Puzzle Prt Repo Discussion: OP GP32X
xBill 2011-03-18 jilse (port) Arcade x Prt Download Discussion (German)
xboard 2011-05-19 kazuki (port) Chess Repo
XEvil 2011-03-27 myownlittlworld Arcade Prt Archive Discussion
xLinCity 2010-07-28 Peters, Sharp, Keasley Strategy x Prt Archive Repo Website
Xmoto 2011-05-25 Clop (port) Sports Prt Repo Discussion
XRick 2010-07-22 MarkoeZ (port) Platformer x Prt Apps Archive Repo Website Discussion
xskat 2011-03-20 Atomos (port) Card Prt Download Discussion (German). Wiki entry about card game.
xscorch (Scorched Earth) 2010-06-30 Justin/Jacob, Pickle (port) Strategy SS Prt Archive
xye 2011-06-04 Clop (port) Puzzle x Prt Repo Website
Zaz 2011-02-21 sebt3 (port) Puzzle Prt Archive
Zelda 3T 2010-11-15 Vincent Jouillat, sebt3 (port) RPG x Prt Download Discussion Hardware scaling version (software scaling works slow in one section)
Zelda Classic 2.11B18 0.3alpha 2010-08-16 Hitnrun (port) RPG x Prt Archive Repo
Zelda: Mystery Of Solarus Xd (zsxd) 2011-08-26 Christopho, sebt3 (port), BAFelton, KageNoSensei RPG Prt Repo Discussion. Engine + game editor can be used.
Zelda OLB 2010-11-10 Vincent Jouillat, sebt3 (port) RPG x Prt Download Discussion Software scaling version
Zelda ROTH 2010-11-10 Vincent Jouillat, sebt3 (port) RPG x Prt Download Discussion Software scaling version


1MP stands for "multiplayer"

About the MP column
x There is no multiplayer
SS Yes, by sharing a system
SSC Yes, by sharing a system with an external controller attached.
Net Yes, multiplayer over a network
N+S Both Net and SS
N+C Both Net and SSC
All Net, SS and SSC


About the Type column
Ori Original; initially developed or released for the Pandora.
Egn Engines for another game (or multiple games). You will need the original data files. *Requires data from original disc/PC version.

**Requires separate data download which is free of charge

Prt Port of a game from another platform (no separate data files needed, unlike engines)
PrtA Port done by the original author

Unreleased games

This section includes both games that are actively being worked on, as well as ones that are or may be abandoned. The latter are included for historical purposes.

Name Last update
(as far as we know)
Author/Port Author Genre MP1 Type2 Status Link/Notes
ASCII Sector 2011-05-07 Christian Knudsen Space Exploration PrtA WIP Discussion Website
BlueFury - The Trivial Adventures of Jack 2010-07-23 DragonAX 2D Top-down shooter WIP [11]
Caster 2009-02-23 Svartalf RPG Working build (tested on PC) [12]
Chaotic Vortex 2010-06-17 Ruben Dual stick 2D shooter WIP [13]
Drunken Frogger 2011-05-28 Craigix Arcade PrtA
EasyRPG 2010-06-04 EasyRPG authors / fdelapena RPG Maker 2000/2003 wip [14] [15]
Emily's Curious Adventure 2011-05-05 broken_Link Action RPG Ori WIP Discussion
Eternity 6: The Waterphoenix 2010-01-27 Darien Side Scroller / Beat 'em up WIP Discussion
FreeSynd (Syndicate) 2011-07-30 StreaK (port) Strategy Prt WIP Discussion
Galactic Artifact 2009-02-27 Trevor Bradley Strategy Prt Working build [16]
Gravity Blocks 2009-04-27 Awakening Arcade Ori wip (early in developement) [17]
GuitarsOnFire 2010-01-25 Daid/JayFoxRox Rhythm game working build [18] no native controls supported, possibly too slow - needs testing
Guns, Action, Mayhem, Etc. 2011-04-28 Gerix Top-down shooter PrtA working build Discussion
Human Condition (was TINCS) 2010-02-09 Butterman FPP Ori wip [19][20]
Inferno 2011-05-26 JDGBOLT
Platformer Ori wip Discussion
irrmaple 2010-05-15 Cloudef Maple Story clone [21]
Lerp 2009-09-28 benjymous Platformer (2D) / Physics / Puzzle working build [22] Discussion
Mental 2009-05-13 Colin Jones (xentalion) 2D Horror Survival Adventure Working build, tested on PC
Monster! 2008-10-18 Chris R Arcade wip [23]
MogsVsDogs 2010-02-03 JayFoxRox, Gadgetoid, Pandora Community 2.5D Puzzle/Action Game Ori Currently paused [24]
NAEV 2010-01-31 bobbens Action/RPG/Sim wip [25] (waiting for pandora to finish and test)
Nail's Adventure 2009-04-07 jsmtux/Mr. Gonzo Ori wip [26]
NEON 2010-11-30 cameleon Puzzle Ori wip Discussion video
Onee-sama Tasukete! 2010-12-19 Eniko Beat'Em Up Ori wip [27]
Pandora Pong 2010-01-17 crysnamtodshire Arcade WIP [28]
Panjoust (Full Game) 2011-04-12 MarkoeZ Platform SSC Ori WIP (demo released) [29]
PanMMO (working title) 2010-07-08 Eniko MMORPG Ori wip [30]
Real-time Chess Game 2011-05-12 maiden Board Ori wip Discussion
Revolt Neil AE FPS WIP
Slitherlink 2010-02-26 Mia Puzzle Ori WIP [31]
Super Lumenal 2010-06-09 Adventus Arcade wip [32] Discussion
SuperTux 2 2009-05-12 Pickle Platformer Prt working build [33]
Wandor 2011-02-22 foxblock Side Scroller Ori WIP [34] video
We Come In Peace 2009-06-26 Otaco Strategy Ori working build [35]
Wizzley Presto and the Vampires Tomb 2011-05-28 Craigix, Zodttd, Ruckage Platformer, 30 Day Game Competition PrtA Released on Iphone [36]
XSwing Plus 2009-06-09 Tobse Arcade wip [37]
ZEQ2Lite 2010-05-31 MDave Dragonball Z Third Person Fighter/Shooter Work in progress [38]
Zombd 2010-01-22 iprice/Mr Gonzo Shoot'Em Up Wip [39]

list of Unreleased Emulators , Games and Software projects


Project Name Emulated System Link Status Author/Port Author Notes
NullDC Sega Dreamcast [40] Wip Zezu / drkIIraziel drkIIraziel says he will release this when he gets his Pandora


Project Name Link Status Author/Port Author Notes
Chaotic Vortex [41] WIP Ruben Dual stick 2D shooter
Galactic Artifact [42] Working build Trevor Bradley Strategy
Gravity Blocks [43] wip (early in developement) Awekening Arcade
irrmaple [44] Cloudef Maple Story clone
Lerp [45] working build benjymous Platformer (2D) / Physics / Puzzle
Naev [46] waiting for pandora bobbens Action/RPG/Sim
Nail's Adventure [47] wip jsmtux/Mr. Gonzo
Onee-sama Tasukete! [48] wip Eniko Beat'Em Up
Pandora Pong [49] WIP crysnamtodshire Arcade
PanMMO (working title) [50] wip Eniko MMORPG
Slitherlink [51] WIP Mia Puzzle
Super Lumenal [52] author waiting for pandora Adventus Arcade
Wandor [53] video WIP foxblock Side Scroller
We Come In Peace [54] working build Otaco Strategy
Wizzley Presto and the Vampires Tomb [55] Released on Iphone Craigix, Zodttd, Ruckage Arcade, 30 Day Game Competition
XSwing Plus [56] wip Tobse Arcade
Zombd [57] Wip iprice/Mr Gonzo Shoot'Em Up


Project Name Link Status Author/Port Author Notes
ZiB Emulator Frontend [58] Author waiting for pandora Aimless_E

External links


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