PND nub modes

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Revision as of 04:55, 17 April 2011 by Vadsamoht (talk | contribs)
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This page is a work in progress, the instructions in here may or may not work for you (They were copied from here. For an introduction to PNDs, see the quickstart.


Why would you want to do this? Simple; at least one person has reported that, when playing a natively-ported FPS (like Duke Nukem or Quake, but not GoldenEye) on he Pandora, using the right nub as the mouse has proven to be more comfortable and less awkward. But switching nub modes manually is annoying; so let's have Linux do it for you!


Step 1

You must download sebt3's new installer and run it. Get it here.

Step 2

Open a text editor and copy/paste this:

cat /proc/pandora/nub0/mode > /tmp/nub0mode_before
cat /proc/pandora/nub1/mode > /tmp/nub1mode_before

echo "mbuttons" > /proc/pandora/nub0/mode
echo "mouse" > /proc/pandora/nub1/mode

This will back up your current nub modes, then switch them; the left will act as the mouse buttons, the right will act as the mouse. If you'd like, you can substitute "scroll" or "absolute" (joystick) in, depending on how you like your nubs. But you must save this as "" (sans quotes). Save it wherever you'd like, you will be moving it elsewhere later.

Step 3

Copy/paste this into the editor again. Different file this time.

cat /tmp/nub0mode_before > /proc/pandora/nub0/mode
cat /tmp/nub1mode_before > /proc/pandora/nub1/mode

rm /tmp/nub0mode_before /tmp/nub1mode_before

This will restore your nub modes to what they were before, and delete the temporary files used to store them. You must save it as "", without the quotes.

Step 4

Simply copy these files into the appdata folder of your program of choice! Now you're done. If you want to test it, drag these files into the appdata of a program that runs windowed (like Comix or Deadbeef), so you can test with the mouse. Simply delete the files if you no longer desire their effects.