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Revision as of 09:53, 25 March 2011 by Esn (talk | contribs) (to be continued)
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NetKeen is a multiplayer game inspired by the Commander Keen series in which 2-4 players battle to the death in a traditional platformer setting. A video of what it plays like can be seen here. The latest version is from 2011-03-15 (although the latest public one is from 2011-02-20)

It is a DOS game, so you will first need to follow these instructions to get DOSBox working and assign the most common DOS action keys to the Pandora's 4 main face buttons.

Running NetKeen (single-player)

  1. Download NetKeen. Put all game files into the following directory: /media/[your SD card]/pandora/appdata/dosbox/games/netkeen
  2. Download netkeen.conf. This file finetunes DOSBox emulation settings so as to optimize NetKeen performance (IPXNet is turned on, frameskip is set to 4, and all sound emulation except for Adlib is disabled. Also, fullscreen is disabled, because you must be able to use XChat to organize a game).
  3. Place netkeen.conf into the following folder: /media/[your SD card]/pandora/appdata/dosbox/.dboxfe (if you can't see it, press CTRL and the "H" key to view hidden files in your file manager).
  4. Set your Pandora's CPU speed as high as you feel comfortable doing. At least 800Mhz.
  5. Start dboxfe. You should see a new "netkeen" profile. Click on it, then click "start".
  6. type in cd netkeen to go into the netkeen folder.
  7. type in either netkeen (for Keen 5 leves) or any of the following: netkeen -ext ck4 (Keen 4), netkeen -ext ck6 (Keen 6), netkeen -ext kdr (Keen Dreams)
  8. Now the game should start. Music and sounds are turned off by default, so go turn them on. Make sure to go into the controls menu and assign the "bomb" key to the "B" face button, which should be mapped to RShift in DOSBox if you followed these instructions. You can also give yourself a character name. All of these settings will be saved next time you start NetKeen. Keep in mind that these settings are individual for each "version" - so if you changed them in the "Keen 5" version, they won't be changed yet in "Keen 6".
  9. There is not much to do in the singleplayer version of NetKeen, so our next step will be to set up a multiplayer match