LEDs and backlight
Status LEDs
Meaning of the LEDs from left to right according to gfrancisdev.
Left LED group
- SD card 1
- SD card 2
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
Right LED group
- Empty (with solder pad for hardware hackers who want to use an additional LED)
- Empty (-"-)
- Charging
- Power
Controlling LEDs and backlight
Available through LED and brightness classes:
LED brightness and trigger and backlight brightness can be controlled through those files. Power and charger LEDs have variable brightness control, others are on/off only.
Note: SD card LEDs use SD cart power supplies, so those must be enabled for those LEDs to work (they are enabled when cards are inserted).
backlight power saving
Controlled by X server through omapfb_drv.so, ca be disabled by running
xset s off
Kept in /etc/default/leds (LEDs) and /etc/pandora/conf/brightness.state (backlight).
Note: driver allows lower brightness than you can set using keyboard controls, because some units start to flicker on lowest brightness. This can be changed in /usr/pandora/scripts/op_bright.sh .
Keyboard controls
Backlight controls, power switch and pandora button are handled by pndevmapperd which calls appropriate scripts as needed. The scripts reside in /usr/pandora/scripts/ . There is a op_test_inputs program included designed to test inputs.