Cross Install Gentoo
- 1 Cross install Gentoo Linux on Pandora
- 2 Update system
- 3 Optional: Remove cross compiler
- 4 Create SD-card partitions phlnx_boot/root/swap/home
- 5 Option #1: Copy target system to SD-card
- 6 Option #2: Copy target system to SD-card via WiFi network
- 7 Boot the new system
- 8 Open issues
Cross install Gentoo Linux on Pandora
These instructions are for installing a recent Gentoo Linux on the OpenPandora handheld console. The system will be installed and booted from a SD-card. The Gentoo Linux will be cross-compiled on another desktop computer also running Gentoo Linux.
It is not necessary to follow all instructions exactly. Some of them can be changed to your own needs.
The system currently supports only the text console and no X11 or sound. Also a lot of features are missing. See "Open issues" at the end.
These instructions assume the following prerequisites:
- Good knowledge in Gentoo Linux.
- A desktop computer running Gentoo Linux. Other Linux is, of course, also possible but requires proper adaption of these instructions.
- An OpenPandora handheld console.
- A SD-card with least 8 GB size.
- A USB cable to connect the Pandora to the desktop computer.
Due to the constant changes of the Linux kernel, GNU software, etc. this document will be outdated very quick. To avoid this, help is always appreciated improving this document. If you can update, improve, add or complete this document, don't hesitate to do so.
Prepare/install cross compile system
To perform the cross-compilation a cross compiler and QEmu must be installed on the desktop computer. QEmu will help a lot for compiling packages which will not properly cross compile.
Install cross compiling system
For compiling software for an ARM controller a cross compiler must be installed.
We can use ARMv7 using either soft float (armv7a-softfp-linux-gnueabi) or hard float (armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi).
export CROSSDEV_TARGET=armv7a-softfp-linux-gnueabi
export CROSSDEV_TARGET=armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi
The additional portage tree in "/usr/local/portage-crossdev" will hold all information for emerging the cross build system (cross compiler and tools).
To prepare emerging a cross compiler, execute the following commands.
su umask 0022 emerge -av crossdev mkdir -p /usr/local/portage-crossdev/{profiles,metadata} echo 'local-crossdev' >/usr/local/portage-crossdev/profiles/repo_name echo 'masters = gentoo' >/usr/local/portage-crossdev/metadata/layout.conf echo 'thin-manifests = true' >>/usr/local/portage-crossdev/metadata/layout.conf chown -R portage:portage /usr/local/portage-crossdev echo '[local-crossdev]' >/etc/portage/repos.conf/crossdev.conf echo 'location = /usr/local/portage-crossdev' \ >>/etc/portage/repos.conf/crossdev.conf echo 'priority = 10' >>/etc/portage/repos.conf/crossdev.conf echo 'masters = gentoo' >>/etc/portage/repos.conf/crossdev.conf echo 'auto-sync = no' >>/etc/portage/repos.conf/crossdev.conf
The portage tree for emerging the cross build system is set up. Now we have to find out which versions of the cross build components are about to be installed. The target system will get binutils, gcc, glibc and linux-headers of a certain version. The same version should be installed in the cross build system.
export BINUTILS_VER=$(grep -le 'KEYWORDS.* arm' \ /usr/portage/sys-devel/binutils/binutils-*.ebuild | tail -1 | \ awk 'match($0, ".*/binutils-(.*).ebuild", v) { print(v[1]); }') export GCC_VER=$(grep -le 'KEYWORDS.* arm' \ /usr/portage/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-*.ebuild | tail -1 | \ awk 'match($0, ".*/gcc-(.*).ebuild", v) { print(v[1]); }') export GLIBC_VER=$(grep -le 'KEYWORDS.* arm' \ /usr/portage/sys-libs/glibc/glibc-*.ebuild | tail -1 | \ awk 'match($0, ".*/glibc-(.*).ebuild", v) { print(v[1]); }') export LINUX_HEADERS_VER=$(grep -le 'KEYWORDS.* arm' \ /usr/portage/sys-kernel/linux-headers/linux-headers-*.ebuild | tail -1 | \ awk 'match($0, ".*/linux-headers-(.*).ebuild", v) { print(v[1]); }')
Now emerge the cross compiler.
crossdev --binutils $BINUTILS_VER --gcc $GCC_VER --libc $GLIBC_VER \ --kernel $LINUX_HEADERS_VER --target $CROSSDEV_TARGET
Install QEmu
A lot of packages will not cross compile properly. QEmu will help for these packages. Install it to emulate an ARM controller.
Edit /etc/portage/make.conf.
nano /etc/portage/make.conf
And add the following lines.
Also enable the use flag static-user. This builds QEmu as static binary. QEmu will be used later in a chroot environment of an ARM controller and will be unable to access needed shared libraries. So it must contain all these libraries by building it in a static way.
euse -E static-user
All the needed libraries for QEmu must also be available as library archive (static libs). Emerging QEmu will request to emerge these libraries as static variants, also. Create and add these libraries in the file "/etc/portage/package.use/qemu". Look which libraries are needed.
emerge -pv qemu
And add them with the use flag static-libs. Here is an Example:
>=net-misc/curl-7.53.0 static-libs >=sys-apps/attr-2.4.47-r2 static-libs >=media-libs/libsdl-1.2.15-r9 static-libs >=sys-apps/dtc-1.4.1 static-libs >=app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7 static-libs >=x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0 static-libs >=dev-libs/libpcre-8.40-r1 static-libs >=sys-libs/libseccomp-2.3.0 static-libs >=net-fs/libnfs-1.9.7 static-libs >=dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-r9 static-libs >=dev-libs/gmp-6.1.0 static-libs >=dev-libs/libaio-0.3.110 static-libs >=sys-fs/xfsprogs-4.5.0 static-libs >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.11 static-libs >=media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-1.5.0 static-libs >=sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.7.8 static-libs >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2k static-libs >=dev-libs/glib-2.50.3-r1 static-libs >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0 static-libs >=media-libs/libpng-1.6.27 static-libs >=sys-libs/ncurses-6.0-r1 static-libs
Emerge QEmu.
emerge qemu udevadm trigger -c add /dev/kvm
QEmu will execute ARM binaries on the desktop computer as if it would have an ARM controller. To achieve this, register foreign binaries and start the systemd service.
ln -s /usr/share/qemu/binfmt.d/qemu.conf /etc/binfmt.d/qemu.conf systemctl start systemd-binfmt
Now our desktop computer is able to execute ARM binaries as well as his own binaries.
Install GIT
To get the kernel sources, GIT will be needed. Emerge it.
emerge git
Exit the root shell.
Now the cross build system is ready to compile a Gentoo Linux for the Pandora.
Install system
Prepare target file system
To build the system for the Pandora about 10 GB disk space is needed. Create a directory "CrossDev" to store all data there.
mkdir CrossDev cd CrossDev
In this directory two more directories will be created:
- One to store and build the Linux kernel.
- Another will store the whole system for the Pandora including QEmu which is not really a part of the system for Pandora, but it is needed as long as the building process runs.
- Some files and archives.
First get the Gentoo base system "stage3-armv7a-*.tar.bz2". Download it from a suitable mirror of the Gentoo distribution. See for a list of mirrors.
Go to the directory "releases/arm/autobuilds". According to your target, enter
- "current-stage3-armv7a" for soft float (armv7a-softfp-linux-gnueabi),
- "current-stage3-armv7a_hardfp" for hard float (armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi).
There is a stage 3 file for ARMv7. Download this archive.
wget\ releases/arm/autobuilds/current-stage3-armv7a/stage3-armv7a-20161129.tar.bz2
wget\ releases/arm/autobuilds/current-stage3-armv7a_hardfp/\ stage3-armv7a_hardfp-20161129.tar.bz2
As long as we are cross compiling, we use "/usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET" as working directory. The cross compiler looks for libraries there and uses many references to this directory. That's why "/usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET" will be saved, so it can be restored after the build.
su umask 0022 tar -cpjf ${CROSSDEV_TARGET}-saved.tar.bz2 -C /usr $CROSSDEV_TARGET
Unpack the stage 3 archive into "/usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET".
tar --xattrs --numeric-owner -xpjf stage3-*.tar.bz2 -C /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET
Sometimes there is a lot of garbage in the "tmp" directory. Remove it.
rm -rf /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/tmp/*
Exit the root shell and go back to our working directory.
Compile/install kernel
The standard Gentoo kernel will not run on the Pandora (or, at least, takes too much effort to make it run), so download a current kernel from using GIT.
Download kernel
Download the kernel with GIT.
git clone git:// cd gta04-kernel
Compile kernel
Prepare an environment to cross compile the kernel. First call another shell instance for saving the current environment. This instance is not really necessary but it is more convenient because the saved environment is restored after exiting the new shell.
bash umask 0022 export ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSSDEV_TARGET}- export PS1="($ARCH) $PS1"
The kernel does not support the blue symbols on the keys used by "Fn". To enable this, patch the kernel using the patch file kernel-patch-Fn-keys.txt.
patch -p1 <../kernel-patch-Fn-keys.txt
This patches the files "arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-pandora-common.dtsi" which will get more key codes for the blue symbols and "drivers/input/keyboard/twl4030_keypad.c" which will handle the keys.
Now a default configuration for the kernel will be created.
make omap2plus_defconfig
A lot of configuration must be done to make the kernel work. To ease this use kernel-config which will configure a running kernel for the Pandora. It uses the name "pherkad" as computer name. Change this to any name you like in the config file. Calling oldconfig might be necessary if "kernel-config" is too old for the current gta04-kernel.
cp ../kernel-config .config make oldconfig make menuconfig
In "General setup/Local version" change "-pherkad" to any name you like. But use "-" as prefix.
Build the kernel and the device tree "omap3-pandora-600mhz.dtb". Pandora users with 1 GHz units can use "omap3-pandora-1ghz.dts". Use as much CPU cores as you have for the compiling process.
export CPUS="$(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)" make -j$CPUS zImage make -j$CPUS modules make omap3-pandora-600mhz.dtb
Convert the kernel into an image for the U-Boot loader. Use any name you like for "Linux-pherkad".
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x80008000 -e 0x80008000 -n \ 'Linux-pherkad' -d arch/arm/boot/zImage arch/arm/boot/uImage
Generate a "boot.scr" file which loads the kernel image and the correct device tree.
Keep an eye to the bootargs. It uses the following commands:
- Start the systemd as init process: "init=/lib/systemd/systemd".
- Be quiet: "quiet". This can be removed while development.
- Show a splash screen: "splash". There is currently no splash screen, so this
- Use the root file system at: "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2". Take care to use the same partition as described below.
- Use Ext 4 root file system: "rootfstype=ext4".
- Wait for root file system: "rootwait".
- Mount initially read only: "ro". systemd will remount it later as RW.
- Use the following SWAP partition for hibernation/resume: "resume=/dev/mmcblk0p3". This is currently not used.
The file "boot.txt" will be converted to the boot script "boot.src".
cat >boot.txt <<EOF if itest.w *0x4830a204 == 0x102f then setenv devicetree omap3-pandora-1ghz else setenv devicetree omap3-pandora-600mhz fi setenv defaultdisplay lcd setenv bootargs "init=/lib/systemd/systemd quiet splash \ root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait ro resume=/dev/mmcblk0p3" ext2load mmc 0:1 0x825f0000 /boot/\${devicetree}.dtb ext2load mmc 0:1 0x80300000 /boot/uImage-pherkad bootm 0x80300000 - 0x825f0000 EOF mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n 'Boot script' \ -d boot.txt boot.scr
Exit the kernel build environment.
Install kernel
The installation of the kernel into the target directory must be done as root. Create the "boot" directory for the kernel, device tree and boot script and copy them to the target directory.
su umask 0022 cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/uImage-pherkad cp .config /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/config-pherkad cp /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/ cp arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-pandora-600mhz.dtb /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/. cp boot.scr /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/.
Create a link for the boot directory. This is used if the boot directory is an own partition and the boot loader wants to load the kernel from "boot/uImage-*". In our case it is not really necessary.
(cd /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot; ln -s . boot)
Install all kernel modules into "target/lib/modules". The symbolic link is for the cross compiling process to find the kernel configuration.
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSSDEV_TARGET}- \ INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET modules_install (DIR="$PWD"; cd /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/usr/src; ln -s $DIR linux) cd ..
Compile system
Now it's time to cross compile the whole Gentoo system. The base system is already installed in the "target" directory. All the binaries there will be compiled again with our own cross compiler. Also a lot of new packages (more binaries) will be installed.
Prepare cross development system
Go to the target and copy all portage configurations from the desktop computer to the target system, since we want to use the desktop computer system as base of the Pandora system. This must be done as root.
Edit the "make.conf" file.
nano etc/portage/make.conf
Change some of the lines there. You might copy some of the contents from the desktop computer but be sure to have the same CHOST as the CROSSDEV_TARGET. Especially add or change for the following:
CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp \ -mfpu=neon -fno-stack-protector"
CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard \ -mfpu=neon -fno-stack-protector"
CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" USE="systemd <and a lot of your own use flags>" LINGUAS="en de" L10N="en de" FEATURES="sandbox -preserve-libs clean-logs unmerge-orphans buildpkg" VIDEO_CARDS="omapfb" INPUT_DEVICES="evdev keyboard mouse" MAKEOPTS="-j<number of CPU cores>" PORTAGE_COMPRESS="" PORTAGE_NICENESS=3 PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND="ionice -c 3 -p \${PID}" PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="warn error log" PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM="save" PORT_LOGDIR="/var/log/portage" PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN="find \"\${PORT_LOGDIR}\" -type f ! -name \"summary.log*\" \ -mtime +7 -delete" EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--alphabetical --nospinner --quiet-build --usepkg=y \ --binpkg-respect-use=y" GENTOO_MIRRORS="<enter your mirrors>" PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages/${CHOST}"
It is recommended to activate the build of binary packages. The cross compilation will fail to build some packages, so QEmu will build all packages again. It is not necessary to build good cross compiled packages by QEmu again. Using binary packages will avoid this and save a lot of time.
To avoid mixing up the binary packages of the desktop comuter and the Pandora set PKGDIR accordingly. Example: "/usr/portage/packages/${CHOST}"
Also copy and edit some package specific files from your desktop computer.
cp -r /etc/portage/package.* etc/portage/.
Edit the files in "etc/portage/package.*" and configure the portage tree.
sed -i "s/amd64/arm/g" etc/portage/package.keywords/* rm -r etc/portage/package.keywords/cross* rm -r etc/portage/package.mask/cross* rm etc/portage/package.use/cross* rm etc/portage/package.env/cross* mkdir etc/portage/repos.conf cp usr/share/portage/config/repos.conf etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf rm -f etc/portage/make.profile (cd etc/portage && \ ln -s /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/arm/13.0/armv7a/desktop make.profile)
Copy the world file from the desktop computer and remove all packages which should not be installed on the Pandora system.
cp /var/lib/portage/world var/lib/portage/world nano var/lib/portage/world
Prepare cross-compilation and QEmu environment
A lot of packages will fail but we will keep going the emerge process and compile the failed packages again with QEmu.
But first update the compiler tools in the target system. They will be needed later in the QEmu environment. If they fail here, try to do it in the QEmu part.
Copy the static QEmu binary to the target system and set up portage for the target system.
cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm usr/bin/. mkdir -p usr/portage touch usr/portage/.keep
Do some standard setup for the target system. Copy some personal configurations to the root account.
cp -L /etc/resolv.conf etc/. cp -r etc/skel/. root/. cp /root/.bashrc /root/.dir_colors /root/.screenrc /root/.toprc \ /root/.xsession root/.
Some nice tools like htop are worth to install them on the Pandora.
mkdir -m0700 root/.config cp -r /root/.config/htop root/.config/.
To access the root account with ssh, copy its configuration. This copies the "id_*" files, also. Don't do this if you deliberately take care about security.
cp -r /root/.ssh/. root/.ssh/.
Start cross compilation
Set up a cross compilation environment (use a third shell instance).
bash export CBUILD=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu export CHOST=$CROSSDEV_TARGET export ROOT=$PWD export PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=$ROOT export PS1="($CHOST) $PS1"
Try to cross compile all packages.
$CHOST-emerge -a binutils glibc linux-headers gcc $CHOST-emerge -a linux-firmware $CHOST-emerge -ae @world
If one of them fails, save the resume list.
$CHOST-emerge -p --resume | grep "^\[[eb].*\]" | grep -ve "^\[blocks" | \ cut -b 18- | cut -d " " -f1 | awk '{ print("=" $0); }' >tmp/packages.txt
Now go to "Continue cross-compilation with QEmu".
Continue cross-compilation with QEmu
Enter the chroot environment and emerge the failed package again (the first one in the packages.txt file).
The portage tree will be mounted into the target system.
In the chroot environment it might be necessary to switch the compiler. Check if the same version of gcc is used than the cross compiler with "gcc-config -l". Set the correct version before starting "emerge".
mkdir -p $PWD/run/systemd/resolve cp /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf $PWD/run/systemd/resolve/. mount --rbind /proc $PWD/proc mount --make-rslave $PWD/proc mount --rbind /sys $PWD/sys mount --make-rslave $PWD/sys mount --rbind /dev $PWD/dev mount --make-rslave $PWD/dev mount --rbind /usr/portage $PWD/usr/portage chroot $PWD /bin/bash unset CBUILD CHOST ROOT PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT env-update source /etc/profile cd source ./.bashrc export PS1="(chroot) $PS1" emerge -aB1 $(head -1 /tmp/packages.txt) exit umount -l usr/portage umount -l dev sys proc
After fixing the failed package(s), continue with the cross compiler.
cat tmp/packages.txt | xargs $CHOST-emerge -1
If one of them fails again, save the resume list.
$CHOST-emerge -p --resume | grep "^\[[eb].*\]" | grep -ve "^\[blocks" | \ cut -b 18- | cut -d " " -f1 | awk '{ print("=" $0); }' >tmp/packages.txt
- Go back to "Continue cross-compilation with QEmu" until all packages are merged
Remove some leftover temporary files.
rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/* /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/var/tmp/portage/* \ /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/tmp/packages.txt
Fix lib64-problem
Some cross compiled packages install their libraries into the "lib64" directory. This is not used on the Pandora. So we have to copy all contents from "lib64" to "lib" and set a link for "lib64".
rsync -avc usr/lib64/. usr/lib/. rm -rf usr/lib64 (cd usr && ln -s lib lib64)
Configure system
Set the key map for Pandora in the console and, as usual in Gentoo, configure the target system.
Use to make the Pandora keyboard work on the console. (
And disable the suspend mode for handling the lid switch (this does currently not work).
cp "$FROM_DIR/" etc/. chmod 644 etc/ echo >etc/vconsole.conf "KEYMAP=/etc/" echo >>etc/vconsole.conf "FONT=eurlatgr" sed -i 's/#HandleLidSwitch=suspend/HandleLidSwitch=ignore/g' etc/systemd/logind.conf
Set up the mount table. Every line in "etc/fstab" will be commented out and new entries added. The file system labels are used to mount the partitions.
sed -ie "s,^/,#/,g" etc/fstab cat >>etc/fstab <<EOF LABEL=phlnx_boot /boot ext2 noatime 1 2 LABEL=phlnx_root / ext4 errors=remount-ro,noatime 1 1 LABEL=phlnx_home /home ext4 noatime,nodev,nosuid 1 2 EOF
Enter the chroot environment again.
mount --rbind /proc $PWD/proc mount --make-rslave $PWD/proc mount --rbind /sys $PWD/sys mount --make-rslave $PWD/sys mount --rbind /dev $PWD/dev mount --make-rslave $PWD/dev mount --rbind /usr/portage $PWD/usr/portage chroot $PWD /bin/bash unset CBUILD CHOST ROOT PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT env-update source /etc/profile cd source ./.bashrc export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"
Set a password for root.
Update the configuration files and read/clear all news from portage.
dispatch-conf eselect news list eselect news read eselect news purge
Enter the time zone and generate the locale info you want (example: enable all lines with en_US and de_DE).
echo "Europe/Berlin" >/etc/timezone emerge --config sys-libs/timezone-data nano -w /etc/locale.gen locale-gen
Use en_US.utf8 (entry #9) as locale.
eselect locale list eselect locale set 9
Set up mount table, the machine ID and host name.
ln -sf /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab systemd-machine-id-setup echo >/etc/machine-info "PRETTY_HOSTNAME=Pherkad" echo >/etc/hostname "pherkad" ln -snf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service
Exit the chroot environment.
exit umount -l usr/portage umount -l dev sys proc
Remove the QEmu binary. It is not used anymore.
rm usr/bin/qemu-arm
Also remove some leftovers from the cross compiler and the link to our kernel sources.
rm -f etc/portage/profile/package.provided rm -f sys-include rm -f usr/src/linux
Copy back the target system and restore the previous cross compiler state.
cd "$FROM_DIR" mkdir $CROSSDEV_TARGET rsync -a /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/. $CROSSDEV_TARGET/. rm -rf /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET tar -xpjf ${CROSSDEV_TARGET}-saved.tar.bz2 -C /usr rm ${CROSSDEV_TARGET}-saved.tar.bz2
Exit the root shell.
Update system
To update the system, use a similar approach as in the cross compilation phase. Define CROSSDEV_TARGET as in "Install cross compiling system".
Start cross-compilation
Set up a cross compilation environment (become root and use a second shell instance again).
cd CrossDev su umask 0022 tar -cpjf ${CROSSDEV_TARGET}-saved.tar.bz2 -C /usr $CROSSDEV_TARGET rm -rf /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET mkdir /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET rsync -a $CROSSDEV_TARGET/. /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/. exit
Check status of our own modifications and stash them. Update the kernel.
cd gta04-kernel git status git stash push git pull git stash pop
Compile and install the kernel.
bash umask 0022 export ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSSDEV_TARGET}- export PS1="($ARCH) $PS1" make oldconfig make menuconfig export CPUS="$(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)" make -j$CPUS zImage make -j$CPUS modules make omap3-pandora-600mhz.dtb mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x80008000 -e 0x80008000 -n \ 'Linux-pherkad' -d arch/arm/boot/zImage arch/arm/boot/uImage cat >boot.txt <<EOF if itest.w *0x4830a204 == 0x102f then setenv devicetree omap3-pandora-1ghz else setenv devicetree omap3-pandora-600mhz fi setenv defaultdisplay lcd setenv bootargs "init=/lib/systemd/systemd quiet splash \ root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait ro resume=/dev/mmcblk0p3" ext2load mmc 0:1 0x825f0000 /boot/\${devicetree}.dtb ext2load mmc 0:1 0x80300000 /boot/uImage-pherkad bootm 0x80300000 - 0x825f0000 EOF mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n 'Boot script' \ -d boot.txt boot.scr exit su umask 0022 cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/uImage-pherkad cp .config /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/config-pherkad cp /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/ cp arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-pandora-600mhz.dtb /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/. cp boot.scr /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/. rm -rf /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/lib/modules/* make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSSDEV_TARGET}- \ INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET modules_install (DIR="$PWD"; cd /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/usr/src; ln -s $DIR linux) cd ..
Prepare cross development system.
export FROM_DIR="$PWD" cd /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm usr/bin/. bash export CBUILD=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu export CHOST=$CROSSDEV_TARGET export ROOT=$PWD export PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=$ROOT export PS1="($CHOST) $PS1"
Clean up unused binary packages, optionally install new packages and start updating all installed packages by cross compilation.
eclean -d packages $CHOST-emerge -a <pkgs>
$CHOST-emerge -auDN --with-bdeps=y @world
If one of them fails, save the resume list.
$CHOST-emerge -p --resume | grep "^\[[eb].*\]" | grep -ve "^\[blocks" | \ cut -b 18- | cut -d " " -f1 | awk '{ print("=" $0); }' >tmp/packages.txt
Continue cross-compilation with QEmu.
mkdir -p $PWD/run/systemd/resolve cp /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf $PWD/run/systemd/resolve/. mount --rbind /proc $PWD/proc mount --make-rslave $PWD/proc mount --rbind /sys $PWD/sys mount --make-rslave $PWD/sys mount --rbind /dev $PWD/dev mount --make-rslave $PWD/dev mount --rbind /usr/portage $PWD/usr/portage chroot $PWD /bin/bash unset CBUILD CHOST ROOT PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT env-update source /etc/profile cd source ./.bashrc export PS1="(chroot) $PS1" emerge -aB1 $(head -1 /tmp/packages.txt) exit umount -l usr/portage umount -l dev sys proc
After fixing the failed package(s), continue with the cross compiler.
cat tmp/packages.txt | xargs $CHOST-emerge -1
If one of them fails again, save the resume list.
$CHOST-emerge -p --resume | grep "^\[[eb].*\]" | grep -ve "^\[blocks" | \ cut -b 18- | cut -d " " -f1 | awk '{ print("=" $0); }' >tmp/packages.txt
Go back to "Continue cross-compilation with QEmu" until all packages are merged successfully.
Update the configuration files and read/clear all news from portage. Remove some leftovers temporary files and exit the cross compilation environment.
$CHOST-emerge -a --depclean
Enter the chroot environment, fix all missing dynamics and edit updated configurations.
mount --rbind /proc $PWD/proc mount --make-rslave $PWD/proc mount --rbind /sys $PWD/sys mount --make-rslave $PWD/sys mount --rbind /dev $PWD/dev mount --make-rslave $PWD/dev mount --rbind /usr/portage $PWD/usr/portage chroot $PWD /bin/bash unset CBUILD CHOST ROOT PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT env-update source /etc/profile cd source ./.bashrc export PS1="(chroot) $PS1" revdep-rebuild -i -- -a --usepkg=n dispatch-conf eselect news list eselect news read eselect news purge emaint --check all
If something is reported wrong by "emain", fix it.
emaint --fix <...>
Check if everything is OK.
eix-test-obsolete -b
Read any messages from portage.
eread exit umount -l usr/portage umount -l dev sys proc
Remove some leftover temporary files and QEmu.
rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/* /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/var/tmp/portage/* \ /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/tmp/packages.txt rm -rf /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/run/systemd rm -f usr/src/linux rm usr/bin/qemu-arm exit
Copy back the target system and restore the previous cross compiler state.
cd "$FROM_DIR" rsync -a /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/. $CROSSDEV_TARGET/. rm -rf /usr/$CROSSDEV_TARGET tar -xpjf ${CROSSDEV_TARGET}-saved.tar.bz2 -C /usr rm ${CROSSDEV_TARGET}-saved.tar.bz2 exit
Optional: Remove cross compiler
If the cross build system is no more used, it can be removed by the following commands.
su crossdev --clean $CROSSDEV_TARGET rm -rf /usr/portage/packages/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/cross-$CROSSDEV_TARGET emaint --fix binhost emaint --fix world rm -rf /usr/local/portage-crossdev rm -rf /usr/libexec/gcc/$CROSSDEV_TARGET rm -rf /usr/bin/${CROSSDEV_TARGET}* rm -f /etc/portage/repos.conf/crossdev.conf rm -f /etc/portage/categories emerge --depclean crossdev rm /usr/bin/repositories_configuration-* exit
Create SD-card partitions phlnx_boot/root/swap/home
Finally the target system is done. Now it's time to copy it to the Pandora.
It's recommended to partition the SD-card for the target system on the Pandora. Otherwise the boot loader might refuse to work.
Insert the SD-card in the left slot (mmcblk0) and unmount it if necessary.
Create the following partitions:
- A boot partition (ext2).
- A root partition which will contain the target system (at least 4 GB).
- A home partition which we can use later.
- A SWAP partition which we can use later.
sudo -s /sbin/fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 Create new DOS partition label: o Create new partition: n p 1 Return +8M Create new partition: n p 2 Return +4G Create new partition: n p 3 Return +1G Change partition type: t 3 82 (Linux swap) Create new partition: n p Return Return Write all changes: w /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -FL phlnx_boot /dev/mmcblk0p1 /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -FL phlnx_root -O ^has_journal /dev/mmcblk0p2 /sbin/mkswap -L phlnx_swap /dev/mmcblk0p3 /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -FL phlnx_home -O ^has_journal /dev/mmcblk0p4 exit
Option #1: Copy target system to SD-card
One of the possibilities to copy the target system to the SD-card on the Pandora is to use a USB cable connecting the Pandora to the desktop computer.
It's also possible to copy it via the WiFi network (see below).
Connect the Pandora via USB to the desktop computer. Insert the SD-card in the left slot (mmcblk0). Use menu "System/SD-Mass Storage" to access partition "phlnx_root".
Desktop computer
Mount the root partition and copy the target system. Use the correct "/dev/sd*".
su mkdir /tmp/mnt mount /dev/sdc /tmp/mnt mkdir -p /tmp/mnt/boot touch /tmp/mnt/boot/.keep mkdir -p /tmp/mnt/home touch /tmp/mnt/home/.keep rsync -av --delete --exclude lost+found --exclude /boot \ CrossDev/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/. /tmp/mnt/. umount /tmp/mnt
Use "System/SD-Mass Storage" again to access phlnx_boot.
Desktop computer
Mount the boot partition and copy boot directory of the target system.
mount /dev/sdc /tmp/mnt rm -f /tmp/mnt/uImage-pherkad rsync -av --delete --exclude lost+found \ CrossDev/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/. /tmp/mnt/. umount /tmp/mnt rmdir /tmp/mnt exit
End SD-Mass Storage.
Option #2: Copy target system to SD-card via WiFi network
Copy all files from the desktop computer to the SD-card partitions. Use the same CROSSDEV_TARGET and FROM_DIR environment settings as on the desktop computer.
sudo -s export export FROM_DIR=/home/jgeiss/Data/Systems/Pandora/Pherkad/Linux/Gentoo/CrossDev export CROSSDEV_TARGET=armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi mkdir -p /media/phlnx_root/boot touch /media/phlnx_root/boot/.keep rsync -av --numeric-ids --delete --exclude lost+found --exclude /boot \ $REMOTE:$FROM_DIR/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/. /media/phlnx_root/. rsync -av --delete --exclude lost+found \ $REMOTE:$FROM_DIR/$CROSSDEV_TARGET/boot/. /media/phlnx_boot/. exit
Boot the new system
Reboot the Pandora and hold the right shoulder button until the boot menu appears.
Sometimes it is necessary to switch off the Pandora for 10-60 seconds.
Choose "boot from SD1:1".
It the boot works well, login as root and play around.
Optional: USB-networking
To use networking to the desktop computer via USB cable, execute the following commands on both systems.
modprobe g_ether ifconfig usb0 netmask route add default gw systemctl start sshd
Desktop computer
Configure the corresponding network interface.
ifconfig enp0s20u1u1 netmask
Now you should be able to connect to the Pandora.
ssh root@
Shutdown Pandora
To shutdown the Pandora system enter the following command.
systemctl poweroff
Open issues
The following things are currently not working and need to be implemented/fixed:
- WiFi interface is missing
- twl: not initialized
- omapfb omapfb: no displays, failed to setup omapfb
- omap2_set_init_voltage: unable to find boot up OPP vor ...
- __nand_correct_data: uncorrectable ECC error
- Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock0, logical block 0, async page read
- Kernel panic at system shutdown