Talk:Boot setup

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Revision as of 17:56, 20 July 2010 by Tsh (talk | contribs) (Page name)
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command line ext2 formatting

I'm just trying to make sense of your example since i'm not familiar with the command line tools for formatting. It looks like the command is setting the file system second partition. I looked online and it looks like mkfs.ext2 doesn't do any of the partitioning, so wouldn't you need to first set up the partitions with another command? --Cheese 06:40, 20 July 2010 (MEST)

Yes, I think you are correct. This assumes your SD card is already partitioned. I only took an existing example and moved it...--Tsh 12:21, 20 July 2010 (MEST)

Page name

I disagree with the new naming of the page. Putting firmware on an SD card is an obfiscation of the way that a user will view the process. I want to boot from SD card, and make that my root partition. I don't want to install into the SD card. Its not incorrect, but it is not what I would search for, particularly in the context of desktop machines. If I want to have a USB stick with ubuntu, I look for 'USB boot', not firmware. Firmware is an ugly group anyway, since it conflates the kernel, the /usr/pandora/scripts, the config information and things like the installed web browser/apps.

What do you suggest? "Creating a bootable SD card" seemed slightly generic or misleading, like you're just configuring the SD card to be capable of booting, when really the page is telling you how you can run Angstrom off an SD card. When considering to put Firmware in the page name I first looked at what it was being called everywhere else. How about "Running Linux from an SD card"? --Cheese 18:44, 20 July 2010 (MEST)
"Running Linux from an SD card" seems to cover it. I though the original was clear enough, but that is more explicit, and should be understood by most people.